Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sunday Morning Funnies: Dark Legacy Comics

Sunday Morning Funnies Dark Legacy Comics SUN
Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics.

Each week, we're shining the spotlight on a WoW-related web comic from our weekly list. This week, we're looking at Dark Legacy Comics:

Dark Legacy Comics (DLC) is a funny comic featuring a group of 8 Alliance-based regular characters: Keydar, Donald, Miji, Gigz, Narya, Krom and Nyte, as well as the two little clones, pictured above. Many of its comics are one-offs, which makes it very accessible for new or casual readers, but it also features running story lines from time to time.

The subjects vary. Sometimes there are long story lines where something unique happens in the world (like an NPC strike). Other times, the comics focus on a character's hobby (like Gigz's cooking) or even comment back on the experience of playing WoW, such as with a sequence where the characters are raiding.

DLC is one of the longest running and most popular WoW-related comics, and is a great pick if you're new to either WoW or web comics.

DLC updates on Sundays.

And now for this week's comics:

In comic news this week, Sara & Kleeyo is back! Thanks for the tip, Lackinganame (of Gratz)! The new chapter, Greenbird, will feature a teenage Tallia as the main character. It will probably update every other Monday. Check out the chapter cover above!

If you hadn't noticed, NPC has started selling prints again. There are two available so far, but if you beg loud/long enough, more might be made available in the future.

And that's it for news. Don't forget that we're always taking tips (leave a comment with a link), and welcome Clef of Sara & Kleeyo back into the world of comic crafting! Tags: dark-legacy-comics, featured, smf-spotlight, sunday-morning-funnies, sunday-morning-funnies-spotlight, world-of-warcraft-comic, world-of-warcraft-comics, world-of-warcraft-funnies, wow-comic, wow-comics, wow-funnies

Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Humor, Comics, Sunday Morning Funnies

View the original article here


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