Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Li Li's Travel Journal concludes with part 11

Li Li's Travel Journal concludes with part 11Li Li's Travel Journal has just updated with the final installment of Li Li's journeys throughout the wilds of Pandaria. Li Li has finally made it to the Dread Wastes, in search of her Uncle Chen. But there's nothing pleasant to be found in the home of the mantid. Will Li Li find Chen, or become just another casualty in the Dread Wastes?

The final chapter wraps up Li Li's journey, but it also explains what the young Stormstout is up to now. Obviously there are reunions to be had, not just with Chen, but with the rest of the Stormstout clan holed up at the Sunset Brewgarden. And there's mention of a particularly touching quest chain in the Dread Wastes, as well.

All in all, this was a delightful little series that served as a pretty good overview of what to expect in Pandaria. It didn't have the emotional weight of some of the leader short stories from last expansion, but honestly, it was a refreshing change. I do hope we'll see more short fiction from Blizzard as the expansion continues, however.

As with the chapters before, if you like the chapter's illustration of Li Li warily spying on the mantid, Blizzard has made it available as a wallpaper, free for download. Don't miss the latest charming installment of the tale -- you can catch chapter 8, as well as all previous installments of the story, in the Expanded Universe section of the official website.

Mists of Pandaria is here! The level cap has been raised to 90, many players have returned to Azeroth, and pet battles are taking the world by storm. Keep an eye out for all of the latest news, and check out our comprehensive guide to Mists of Pandaria for everything you'll ever need to know.
Tags: blizzard-entertainment, blizzard-short-stories, chen-stormstout, dread-wastes, expanded-universe, kun-lai-summit, li-li, li-li-stormstout, mantid, mists-of-pandaria, mists-of-pandaria-lore, pearl-of-pandaria, pet-battles, quest-for-pandaria, sha-of-anger, shen-zin-su, short-stories, sunset-brewgarden, the-wandering-isle, travel-journal, wandering-isle, world-of-warcraft

Filed under: Lore, Mists of Pandaria

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