Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sunday Morning Funnies: Not a monster

Sunday Morning Funnies SUNSunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics.

Happy holidays! This week's list features several holiday specials, including a Frosty the Snowman-inspired strip and a water color painting.

We also have a new comic to add to the list this week. Check out Contested Territory (thanks for the tip, MoeruComic!). If you want to read through from the beginning, head over to Where We Started.

Finally, if you're a comic artist for a WoW-related web comic that updates regularly and would like to be featured in the next SMF gallery guide, contact me (indicating that it is for SMF in the subject line) to let me know you're interested and I'll get in touch with you with more details. Tags: featured, world-of-warcraft-comic, world-of-warcraft-comics, world-of-warcraft-funnies, wow-comic, wow-comics, wow-funnies

Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Humor, Comics, Sunday Morning Funnies

View the original article here


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