Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Crazed Bloggers Play 10 MMOs in 10 Days

In one of the coolest and craziest blogging projects I’ve heard of for a while, Syp, Jeromai and other bloggers are taking on the ultimate MMO challenge:

10 days. 10 MMOs they’ve never played before.

Will they love ‘em? Will they find a new favourite? Will they even manage to get past the installer?

It’s only day 2 of the challenge, and already Runescape, Aion, and several other MMOs have gone under the microscope:

Syp’s the originator of the idea, and has already tested out Runescape and Aion, with more to come – “At the very worst, I’ll get a bunch of new stories and posts out of it, and at the very best, an MMO might surprise me and hook me in.”Jeromai has leaped on the project with gusto, and has so far tested Maple Story and Mabinogi – “I chucked in a baker’s dozen instead of ten, as I’m really not sure some offer free trials. If they don’t, they’re off the list.”And Nerdy Bookahs has only tested out The Missing Ink so far, but gives a thorough writeup – “it doesn’t get a bad review from me, because me not liking the style does not mean the game is bad. It just means “not for me””Tagged as: 10/10 project

If you enjoyed this article, check out our other posts from these categories: General MMO Interest

View the original article here


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