Man – or woman – cannot live on raids alone. But what do raiders do when they’re not raiding?
A hell of a lot, as it turns out. Jasyla of Cannot Be Tamed wrote a fascinating post this week looking at what her guild, Apothesis, does to help the guild bond and have fun when they’re not raiding. It’s an interesting, varied list, and might be quite inspirational for any guild leaders struggling to keep things fresh:
“Sunday afternoons a bunch of us meet up in the Deeprun Tram for some Brawler’s Guild. We all get on Mumble to chat, share strategies and cheer each other on as we try to beat everything Gizmo can throw at us. I know Brawler’s Guild was sold as a solo PVE activity, but being grouped for matches is a great bonus since we can get fully buffed up and have the spectators act as coaches.
Sure, having ~10 people from our guild alone makes for longer queues, but having people to chat with makes it much more fun. These have been temporarily put off as most people have completed all ranks or have hit a brick wall but they’ll start up again soon, once people get a bit more gear. For now, people are doing old raids on Sunday instead.”
Read “Anatomy Of A Raid: Extracurriculars” here
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