Saturday, March 30, 2013

Will the new LoTRO Player Council work?

If you hadn’t heard, LoTRO’s developers Turbine [are imitating EVE Online](, and adding a new Player Council to give the developers direct feedback on improvements.

But will it work? Is the devil in the details? Will players be able to talk to the developers often enough and early enough to make a difference?

Veteran LoTRO blogger Doc Holliday took a look at the new proposals, and comes up with some very interesting points:

> “On the positive side, there’s quite a bit of detail to the makeup and roles of the council. Also the timing seems good as they’ll be able to interact with the team pre-alpha which should be early enough to actually make changes. It also seems like the council will more or less be the funnel for the community to really focus attention to the areas Turbine needs to pay attention to. The size of the council (30 to 50 members) should certainly be good enough to get a good cross section of the community and also not overly task any single member.

> However, I think the biggest issue will be the lack of feedback from the Council to the community. Again, this is another NDA protected avenue such that even though we’ll know who’s in the council, we still won’t be able to get an idea of what the council is actually doing.”

Read [My Hopes For The New Turbine Player Council](

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