Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Don't change a thing Icy Veins!

View PostTrident, on 14 November 2012 - 06:25 PM, said:

I love this site, I only have one request: could there be an option to link items to Wowhead instead of WowDB?

Thank you for this nice comment Posted Image

Regarding links to Wowhead in our guides, this used to be our database of choice. We switched to WowDB for a number of reasons. We had about 100,000 links to Wowhead, but we never had any interaction with them, whatsoever.

Then Curse.com came along and proposed to link our guides on MMO-Champion, to give us the IM contact of their dev team so we can chat with their developers and suggest/discuss new features for WowDB, to grant us API access to their database (in case we need to extract information for some of our tools, such as the completed quests checker or the transmogrification guides).

What we had to do in exchange was to switch our tooltips to WowDB. The database surely is not as mature as Wowhead, but we find the tooltips to be better. Compare Flamestrike (Wowhead) and Flamestrike (WowDB). Which one do you think is the most accurate?

View the original article here


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