Tuesday, December 25, 2012

How do you guys like the Brawler's Guild?

View PostDharion, on 11 December 2012 - 04:26 PM, said:

To me....let me clarify that again, TO ME, The Brawler's Guild stinks of elitism and exclusion.

I don't think it's as bad you make it seem. In particular, you use the word exclusion with a negative connotation, when it's really not that way. It's not an exclusive club into which you cannot enter. It's a small club into which you CAN enter, anyone can enter, and everyone who is even remotely interested in WILL be able to enter sooner or later.

Everything else that is released in the game is equally available to all players, regardless of how many are trying to do it. Sure, sometimes you can't get to stuff right away (like Terrace of Endless Spring being gated by killing Shek'zeer, or Shado-Pan and August Celestials being gated by Golden Lotus), but everyone has equal changes. This is the only (that I can think of) time that you may not be able to get to something right away. Exclusive isn't necessarily bad in this case. I think it was a nice touch, and that it adds a mysterious element to the whole thing.

More importantly, though, it's doing something that hasn't been done in WoW for a long time - it's giving people not doing some content something to aim for. I miss the feeling of sitting in Dalaran and seeing people with gear off of Yogg-Saron, and thinking how I'd love to do that, be part of that "group" of people who are raiding at a high level and so on. With the introduction of LFR, and very easy raids, this is something that went away almost entirely, but the Brawler's Guild's current incarnation is a nice reminder.

As for elitism, I don't really know what you mean or where your objection comes from. It's a bunch of enemies that you can try to defeat. It's what most things in WoW boil down to. If there's any elitism, it's the fault of the players themselves, I don't see anything in-game encouraging it.

View PostClisis, on 11 December 2012 - 04:41 PM, said:

I might as well add my two cents into this convo. This has alot of work to be done such as some fights CANNOT (by any means) be done by some classes. Example would be Battletron. My guildmaster is a shadow priest and unlike locks that can cast and move shadow priest find that little harder then the average lock can do. Now I understand of making the fight hard for all classes but it seems like for some if not most all fights its near impossable for some classes. I like the idea but making it impossible is not really making me want to go into it espally when I see enhanse sham go in with EVERY cooldown and burn the boss in 2 seconds flat.

I haven't done Battletron yet, and I'm not denying the veracity of your claim, but I also wouldn't be surprised to hear that the mob has been defeated by a Shadow Priest (or more). I find that, most often, when someone says "My class can't do this!" it's a hasty statement stemming from the frustration of failure, and it's almost always rebutted by someone else simply proving that it can be done. And if it is truly an issue, then I'm sure Blizzard will fix it ;)

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