That's right: If you die during the WoW Ironman Challenge, you re-roll. Period.
Here's a look at the grim core rules of the challenge:
No items equipped other than white or gray items.No heirlooms.No talent points -- no specialization. You may train class abilities.No professions, primary or secondary, other than First Aid.No food or water above vendor-quality white items.No groups -- no BGs, no instances, no raids, no quest groups. No guilds.No enchants, scrolls, potions, elixirs, or glyphs.No outside financial or equipment assistance (including gold or bags from other characters).The Big One: If you die, ever, you delete that character and start over at level 1.The next closest participant in the Mists leg of this event is currently level 87. Kripparrian, the player-run hard-mode competition's former title-holder in Cataclysm at level 85, does not appear to have leveled in Mists of Pandaria.
We'll have a full interview with the triumphant Lyssan next week, after she takes a well-earned holiday rest! (And if it were me, I think I'd go out and die a few times, just for sheer relief ...)
Tags: hard-mode, hard-mode-wow, hardcore, hardcore-wow, ironman, ironman-challenge, leveling, Lyssan, no-death, no-deaths, player-generated-content, player-run-events, world-of-warcraft-ironman-challenge, wow-ironman-challenge
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