Man, it's been a while since I've made a Teen Girl Squad reference that wasn't "Grood. Great and good."
Zangor18 asked:
Is Pandaria influenced by all asain cultures or does it lean heavily to one specific culture like chinese or japanese? dont get me wrong i love all of it i just wonder if we could see other unused cultural influences in later expansions
Pandaria is "pan-Asian" but it's heavily inspired by Chinese stuff, especially in aesthetics and naming conventions. There's a bit of Tibet and Mongolia in there too. I doubt we'll be seeing a "Japan" or "Korea" expansion, though.
Dope_danny asked:
Didn't they say this expansion was like two parts and the seige of orgrimmar was "the end of the pandaren campaign" and there would be a second half to the story after that?
Nope, you've got that all mixed up. Part 1 of MoP was the launch content, and the Pandaren Campaign is all of the post-launch patches.
Eresin84 asked:
I didn't realise the last boss of the new tier was heroic mode only. I only do LFR as I am not part of a raiding guild and LFR suits the time commitments I can make.
How much of the story will I miss out from never seeing this last boss?
Usually the optional, heroic-only bosses are supplemental to the lore instead of integral. If you never heard of or fought Algalon, your experience in Ulduar probably wouldn't be affected by it too much; I assume Ra-den will be the same.
dreyfusxno asked:
Two lore-ish question: When I hear about the First and Second Wars are they in reference to Warcraft: Humans and Orcs and the sequel Warcraft RTS games? If I was to replay through those games through Warcraft III, would that be a good resource for First and Second War lore?
Yes. Warcraft I is the First War, Warcraft II is the Second War. There's info about both contained in books that supplements what's in the game, though.

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