Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Favorite Zones by Level

Undead > Worgen >>> Blood Elves > Goblins >> Night Elves > Humans > Orcs > Trolls > Gnomes/Dwarves > Draenai >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tauren

Seriously, Tauren starting zone BLOWS.  Undead and Worgen zones flow, have a cool story, and lead into an even more awesome zone.  Blood elves have a neat, pretty, and well put together zone that leads into my favorite quest zone, Ghostlands.  Goblins have a neat story, but there's a LOT of running around.  Then stuff starts to get dreary with Night Elves, Humans, Orcs, Trolls, Gnomes, Dwarves, and Draenai with the amount of running around.  Taurens...well, let's just say I refused to level a Tauren.  My lone Tauren is a Death Knight so I could skip Mulgore.  Mulgore's component of Loremaster made my eyes bleed, and that was with a flying mount.

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