Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Patch 5.4 PTR: More spoiler-ridden sound files

Patch 54 PTR More Spoilerridden sound files!Stiven from Adriacraft has returned, literally minutes after the latest PTR build was launched, with a bundle of exciting new sound files. These are seriously spoiler-laden, as ever, so if you don't want patch 5.4 spoilers, for any element of the new content, we heartily suggest not looking at the content after the cut. Also, don't read the rest of the article, don't listen to the sound files, and don't read the comments! Instead, look at this picture of the Ring of Valor, and bemoan (or not) its departure from the game.

If you don't mind, or indeed, actively want spoilers, read on!

Tags: baine, breaking, gamon, patch-5.4, patch-5.4-ptr, patch-5.4-raid, sound-files, sylvanas-windrunner, tyrande-whisperwind

Filed under: Mists of Pandaria

View the original article here


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