Thursday, July 11, 2013

Sunday Morning Funnies: From Draenor With Love

Sunday Morning Funnies From Draenor With LoveSunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics.

Each week, we've been featuring a regularly updating WoW-related web comic from our list. Today, we're shining the spotlight on From Draenor With Love:

From Draenor With Love is created by Stacey, a freelance artist and illustrator, and Mike, a journalist and graphic designer. Stacey also runs a blog called Manalicious, and does character commissions.

This comic is fairly accessible to new readers. The jokes are often about experiences that casual and "hardcore" players share alike. There is also usually a good discussion below the comic, which is enjoyable if you "got it" and informative if you didn't!

Two of the main characters are Vidyala (a multi-lingual draenei who digs explosions and the Light) and Rades, an orc. The two bonded over their mutual love for goggles and "interest in how things tick and general mayhem." There are other characters, too, but you'll have to read the comic to meet them!

You can read more about Stacey and Mike on the comic's About page, or more about Vidyala and Rades on the Characters page.

From Draenor With Love updates Wednesdays.

And now, for this week's comics:

In comic news this week, Away From Reality has started up a special series of comics leading up to #250. It will be a 12-episode storyline, updated twice weekly (Wednesdays and Saturdays), for the next six weeks. Check out the first installment above!

Also for fans of Away From Reality (or fans of awesome fan art?), blogger and artist Kamalia et alia did up an artist's rendition of the AFR gang (well, sans Targe, but um, foreshadowing?).

And, if you've been wanting to ogle some more character art, Stacey has posted some more examples of her BlizzCon Badge character paintings! So pretty. Plus, Gratz has posted an Extras page, where some fun stuff will be hosted. The first offering is a Gratz-themed Star Wars piece (or would it be the other way around?).

Also, am I the only person who read NPC this week and secretly hoped that this will start up a storyline with Lisa's rogue hanging out in the Animal Crossing world, possibly with the cats as townspeople? Just thinking of the shenanigans those cats could get up to....

Yes? Okay. Back to the news. Guilded Age has started up a Kickstarter fund to help produce Volume 2 in print, as well as some animated shorts. There are all sorts of cool prizes to be had for donating, so check it out! They're already over 50% of the way to their goal.

Fans of Donald (like Rode_and_Babe) should totally not miss this week's DLC.

Finally, The Daily Blink is officially on hiatus. Tags: featured, from-draenor-with-love, smf-spotlight, sunday-morning-funnies, sunday-morning-funnies-spotlight, world-of-warcraft-comic, world-of-warcraft-comics, world-of-warcraft-funnies, wow-comic, wow-comics, wow-funnies

Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Humor, Comics, Sunday Morning Funnies

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