The warrior set is lurking just after the break, and it should be noted that the belt is missing, thanks to missing textures, but you can definitely get the full idea of the set. We thought it was interesting how the chest is missing the kidney areas on both the male and female models, but what do you think of the sets?
Update: Adriacraft has now added the Tier 16 hunter set video, you can see it after the break! You may notice it looks a little different to hunter sets elsewhere, that's because Adriacraft managed to fix a bug which was placing the shoulders inside the body of the hunter before making the video!
If you want to keep up to date with video of all the latest PTR patches do head over to Adriacraft's YouTube and subscribe to his channel!
Tags: breaking, featured, patch-5.4, patch-5.4-gear, patch-5.4-priest-set, patch-5.4-ptr, patch-5.4-raid, patch-5.4-warrior-setFiled under: Mists of Pandaria
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