Sunday, July 14, 2013

Breakfast Topic: Zookeeping

Have you been on a World Safari to catch every battle pet in the Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Outland, Northred, and Pandaria? If so, you've recently been given the chance to finally receive your Zookeeper title with the seasonal Qiraji Guardling pet arriving in Azeroth last week. So tell us, young zookeepers, have you caught your Qiraji yet? Or has, perhaps, this lengthy achievement has tried your patience until you've given up?

But even if you've given up, it may still be a good idea to go out to Silithus and pick up this pet: that way if you decide to pick up collecting again, you won't have to wait until summer to get another one. Unfortunately for those who didn't pick up a Snowy Owl over the winter, the Zookeeper title will have to wait another year. But whatever your situation: how are your zookeeping adventures going? Tags: battle-pets, featured, game-discussion, gamer-discussion, pets, world-of-warcraft-discussion, world-of-warcraft-topics, wow-discussion, wow-hot-topics, wow-issues, wow-pets, wow-topics

Filed under: Breakfast Topics

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